[11:43:40] halfak: Please draft a press release clarifying that the pronunciation of "ORES" is like the word "ores." People were saying it wrong yesterday and I kept grinding my teeth. [11:53:05] ores as in rocks, not oh-res? [13:10:48] lol. Will do harej [13:10:54] Yeah. "ores" as in rocks [13:11:05] I don't know how people got the other pronounciation [16:30:28] oh-res [16:30:37] it's the all caps [16:30:52] if all caps, then spell it out [16:36:21] ^ [16:37:00] We have the same rule in French: all-caps means spell it out, lowercase means read as a word. [16:39:45] guillom: are you an NSA agent, or a NASA one? [16:41:24] National Aerospace and Strings Attached? [16:41:46] Aeronautics*