[08:42:19] hi all [08:43:01] the was an alert for disk space on prometheus 1003 [08:43:11] is it something worth looking into? [08:47:35] jijiki: that's me as I'm currently migrating prometheus1003 to v2 [08:47:43] thanks for the heads up! [08:58:10] :D [13:58:10] moritzm, jbond42: total wishlist for the future: migrate the offboarding to script to a cookbook (it's py2 and uses optionparser :-P ) [14:00:03] volans: indead its in my mental backlog [14:00:36] great, thanks :) [14:00:46] np [14:08:09] it's only python 2 because python-ldap in stretch doesn't provide a py3 package (only available in the upstream release which is in buster) [14:18:36] also, the offboarding will no longer be needed in the near future when we've revamped our auth* handling, it's just a bandaid for our current setup [14:19:25] fair enough :)