[09:13:05] <_joe_> jbond42: I was thinking we could add https://github.com/domcleal/puppet-lint-param-docs and use it like we do for the wmf-style checker [09:13:24] <_joe_> so that at least new code is forced to be documented [09:13:35] <_joe_> if you add a parameter and add no docs => -1 from jenkins [09:13:58] <_joe_> re: yesterday's email [09:15:07] <_joe_> lemme comment on the task [09:21:07] _joe_: i like that idea, will this mean that anyone who touches an undocumented class is now responsible for documenting it? [09:21:58] <_joe_> not if we use the same approach as we did for the styleguide check [09:22:04] <_joe_> we only check if there are deltas [09:22:11] <_joe_> so yeah, if you add a parameter to a class [09:22:17] <_joe_> you need to at least document that :) [09:22:25] <_joe_> that parameter, I mean [09:22:28] ok then yes i think its a win [09:22:49] and usually it often guilt-trips people to also fix missing older entries :-) [09:22:52] <_joe_> I'm also pretty sure a lot of our comments do not conform to the puppetdoc style [09:23:40] lol i like it moritzm [09:24:06] _joe_: no there are manyh styles in use, hjowever to be fair like many things puppet has changed its style guide a few times [09:24:24] <_joe_> yeah I don't think anyone read those [09:24:34] <_joe_> I'm guilty as charged btw [09:24:53] <_joe_> I hate writing docs and it shows in how undisciplined I am with the style [09:25:46] i just fix what vim tells me to fix :)