[09:07:28] jbond42: re:T255654 for now can't we run puppet node deactivate to avoid having the report in error status? [10:11:39] volans: yes that should be fine i guess i was just a bit worried because the fqdn `puppet` is linked to the puppetmaster and i dont 100% trust puppet to do the right thing [likley an irrational feer but thats the nature of working with pupet ;)). however better we do it manuly then let puppet db purge it automaticly. either way lets wait till monday :) [10:12:23] jbond42: ack, I was thinking explicitely deactivate that should affect only puppetdb and not clean that does also other stuff [10:12:57] true [10:13:33] at least according to https://puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/6.0/maintain_and_tune.html#deactivate-or-expire-decommissioned-nodes [10:15:21] tbh not sure that helps in this case as "Any deactivated or expired node will be reactivated if PuppetDB receives new catalogs or facts for it." [10:17:09] do we expect it to be "recreated"? [10:17:21] I thought was a one off operational error/byproduct [10:17:46] this item has not been updated since 2020-06-15 09:00:38 [10:18:54] no dont expect it to be recreated hwoever the report works byt checking facts AFAIK. As deactivating it dose not remove the facts the report will still show see it [10:19:48] you think puppetdb will still return its facts? [10:19:54] not sure but I thought not [10:22:41] oh sorry i copy pased the wrong bit. however i thought that yes puppetdb only removes exported resources when deactivated [10:23:29] node-purge-ttl [10:23:30] Automatically delete nodes that have been deactivated or expired for the specified amount of time. This will also delete all facts, catalogs, and reports for the relevant nodes. This TTL may be specified the same way as node-ttl above.