[02:15:58] 10Domains, 10HTTPS, 10Traffic, 10DNS, 10Operations: Merge Wikipedia subdomains into one, to discourage censorship - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T215071 (10Liuxinyu970226) @Platonides > However note that in the event that your browser can't support TLS v1.3, you won't be able to view the page at all... [07:02:36] 10Domains, 10Traffic, 10DNS, 10Operations, and 2 others: Point wikipedia.in to instead of URL forward - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T144508 (10Aklapper) @Naveenpf : ping? ^ [12:29:55] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10aborrero) [12:30:31] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10aborrero) [12:31:33] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10aborrero) [12:38:51] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10aborrero) [12:40:36] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10aborrero) [13:13:56] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10ayounsi) Thanks! `lang=diff [edit firewall family inet filter cloud-in4] term labsdb { ... } + /*... [13:16:21] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10aborrero) 05Open→03Resolved a:03aborrero It works! ` aborrero@labsdb1005:~$ telnet 3306 Tr... [16:52:43] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10Bstorm) We need labstore1004 and 5 more than these., and maintain-dbuser... [16:56:13] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10Bstorm) 05Resolved→03Open [16:57:51] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10Bstorm) Without labstores1004 and 1005 being able to hit the database, new user accounts on toolsdb will not b... [19:18:21] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10Bstorm) We've found a way around the criticality of this. We'll still need those components, and we should up... [19:18:35] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10Bstorm) p:05Unbreak!→03Low [19:20:26] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10DBA, 10Operations, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10Bstorm) [19:26:35] 10netops, 10Cloud-VPS, 10Operations, 10User-Marostegui, 10cloud-services-team (Kanban): toolsdb: firewalling changes for new setup (temporal mysql replication) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216353 (10Marostegui)