[01:44:37] #whoami [01:44:41] @whoami [01:44:41] You are trusted identified by name Waihorace!.*@wikimedia/waihorace [01:44:41] Waihorace: I don't recognize you. [01:44:47] @help [01:44:47] Type @commands for list of commands. This bot is running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. 1.1.4 source code licensed under GPL and located in wikimedia svn [01:44:48] Waihorace: (help [] []) -- This command gives a useful description of what does. is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. [01:45:00] @commands [01:45:00] Commands: channellist, trusted, trustadd, trustdel, infobot-off, refresh, infobot-on, drop, whoami, add, reload, help, RC-, recentchanges-on, recentchanges-off, logon, logoff, recentchanges-, recentchanges+, RC+ [01:45:02] Waihorace: Error: "commands" is not a valid command. [01:47:51] @SonicYouth [01:47:52] Waihorace: Error: "SonicYouth" is not a valid command. [01:48:01] ? [01:48:10] 看看上面 [01:48:12] @help [01:48:12] Type @commands for list of commands. This bot is running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. 1.1.4 source code licensed under GPL and located in wikimedia svn [01:48:13] Waihorace: (help [] []) -- This command gives a useful description of what does. is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. [01:48:14] @commands [01:48:14] Commands: channellist, trusted, trustadd, trustdel, infobot-off, refresh, infobot-on, drop, whoami, add, reload, help, RC-, recentchanges-on, recentchanges-off, logon, logoff, recentchanges-, recentchanges+, RC+ [01:48:16] Waihorace: Error: "commands" is not a valid command. [01:48:20] @whoami [01:48:20] You are trusted identified by name Waihorace!.*@wikimedia/waihorace [01:48:21] Waihorace: I don't recognize you. [01:48:40] 忘了wm-bot用两个提示符... [01:48:45] 先下线吧 [01:50:08] `whoami [01:50:13] !whoami [01:50:16] @whoami [01:50:16] You are trusted identified by name Waihorace!.*@wikimedia/waihorace [01:50:19] #whoami [01:50:25] NiceBot... [01:50:29] $whoami [01:50:29] SonicYouth: SonicYouth [01:51:47] 提示符号是$ [01:52:34] $whoami [01:52:34] Waihorace: I don't recognize you. [01:54:59] Waihorace:因为你的hostmask是不会变的,所以只要找NiceBot进行一次identify,然后再hostmask add就行了 [01:55:05] 没必要次次认证... [01:55:12] hostmark是... [01:55:31] hostmask就是" ~waihorace@wikimedia/waihorace" [01:55:48] 啊,得先跑了,抱歉:-/ [01:55:53] :D [03:06:02] Change on 12zh_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:第一印象 was modified, changed by Solomonn link https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=18975362 edit summary: /* 另一個世界 */ [03:55:29] Change on 12zh_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:新手求助 was modified, changed by Cwk32 link https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=18975771 edit summary: /* 从官方来源的资料可能违背中立性,我应该如何处理? */ 新段落 [04:33:34] Change on 12zh_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:新手求助 was modified, changed by Wolfch link https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=18976099 edit summary: /* 从官方来源的资料可能违背中立性,我应该如何处理? */ [06:16:53] ++++++++++ [06:57:44] 下午好各位 [06:58:26] Encore: 請向nickserv identify :) 如果不是昨天在設定的+號會失效 [07:55:34] 求助:如何向nickserv identify [08:04:56] 你有註冊IRC帳號嗎? [08:05:38] 如有,請使用/msg nickserv identify <密碼> [12:01:25] Change on 12zh_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:新手求助 was modified, changed by Jimmy-bot link https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=18980546 edit summary: 机器人: 1个讨论已移除,其中1个讨论已存档;已保留的讨论中0个已修改 [12:37:31] Change on 12zh_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:新手上路 was modified, changed by 时尚买手 link https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=18980996 edit summary: /* 引领时尚,超越潮流—Mr.Ms时尚买手店 */ 新段落 [12:38:35] Change on 12zh_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:新手上路 was modified, changed by Bencmq link https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=18981007 edit summary: 取消[[Special:Contributions/时尚买手|时尚买手]] ([[User talk:时尚买手|对话]])的编辑;更改回[[Special:Contributions/Deformity|Deformity]]的最后一个版本 [13:19:09] NiceBot 的 SonicYouth 需要帮助!他的问题是: 请给我Wikipe-tan的同人本!:-[ [13:19:41] "NiceBot 的 SonicYouth" < 直接和NiceBot交谈来求助就是这样 [13:30:02] 文本錯誤 [13:30:11] 因为是msg.args[0],即第一个参数...默认是频道啦 [13:30:54] !存檔 [13:30:54] http://is.gd/28OPlQ