[01:36:45] [02Q - 12User:舞月書生] @明天会更好 [[WP:WP]] [01:36:45] https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:WP [03:56:48] [D - 13中二病晚期(大贤者)] 繁体这一类的可以翻译吗 [07:13:07] !pia [07:13:08] infnan: (╯°Д°)╯︵ ~~~~~┻━┻ [07:41:26] [02Q - 07User:Assifbus]  I understand what you mean. Compared with the other global wikis, the one in Albania has +1 more error. Here we always put the language of the citation (reference). We need that for statistical purposes. So, what you need to do to fix that is just add the language parameter at the citation |language=| with the right value. If the language of the citation is Chinese, you can add |language=zh [07:41:27] 15-> [07:41:28] 15->(zh being the ISO code for Chinese) and the error will be fixed. If the error is not related to the language parameter, then there are other steps needed to solve them but usually that will do the trick. I can give you one practical example how to solve them if the explanation above wasn't clear enough.  [07:41:35] [02Q - 07User:Assifbus] 这是那个阿巴尼亚管理员给我说的 [07:41:56] [02Q - 07User:Assifbus] 我知道加啥,但是我不知道怎么加和在哪加 [07:43:31] [02Q - 07User:Assifbus] 我知道在这个语言后,加上zh,但是不清楚怎么加 [07:44:35] [02Q - 12User:舞月書生] {{cite web|url=文章链接 |language=zh-cn |title=标题 |author=作者 |editor=编辑 |publisher=网站 | date=文章发布日期 |accessdate= 2020-05-16}} [07:44:35] https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:cite_web [07:47:20] [02Q - 07User:Assifbus] [图片] https://img.vim-cn.com/43/6f886379c0fdfd357c53bea1a4da6522fa9ddb.jpg [07:48:45] [02Q - 12User:舞月書生] {{cite web|title=zh-cn }} [07:48:45] https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:cite_web [07:49:00] [02Q - 07User:Assifbus] 非常的完美 [07:49:17] [02Q - 07User:Assifbus] https://sq.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Keqiang#rezyme [07:49:20] [02Q - 07User:Assifbus] 这个条目现在非常的完美 [07:54:54] [02Q - 12User:舞月書生] 若依中文生者传记标准而言你这个条目距离完美还有很长的路要走 [07:55:12] [02Q - 12User:舞月書生] 加油吧 [07:59:23] [02Q - ] 比如需要补充更多的来源,需要一个人物信息框、需要补充更多的经历来更全面地叙述条目的描述主体等等 [08:41:36] [02Q - 06々∩ァΘ] @User:Assifbus 罢工只是个比喻…… [09:03:34] [02Q - 07User:Assifbus] @User:舞月書生 @User:舞月書生 [泪奔] [11:29:44] 。。。 [13:51:10] [02T - 06scp2000] /optin@WikipediaLinkBot /^\(NOFWD\)/