[08:03:30] Channel is now logged [08:05:22] okay [08:10:34] @language zh [08:10:34] 我将在这里说中文 [08:16:03] @whoami [08:16:04] 你是 admin ,由 Shujenchang!.*@wikipedia/Shujenchang 确认 [08:22:06] @help [08:22:06] Type @commands for list of commands. This bot is running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. source code licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot [08:22:25] @commands [08:22:25] Commands: channellist, trusted, trustadd, trustdel, info, statistics-off, statistics-on, statistics-reset, configure, infobot-link, infobot-share-trust+, infobot-share-trust-, infobot-share-off, infobot-share-on, infobot-detail, infobot-off, seenrx, refresh, infobot-on, seen, drop, whoami, add, reload, suppress-off, suppress-on, help, RC-, recentchanges-on, language, infobot-ignore+, infobot-ignore-, recentchanges-off, logon, logoff, recentchanges-, recentchanges+, RC+ [08:22:44] @help trustadd [08:22:44] Info for trustadd: 向访问列表中添加一项,例如 @trustadd 正则表达式 admin [08:23:27] @help RC [08:23:27] Unknown command type @commands for a list of all commands I know [08:24:05] @help recentchanges+ [08:24:05] Info for recentchanges+: 将一个 wiki 添加到 feed 中,例如 @recentchanges+ zh_wikipedia [08:24:25] RC+ [08:24:37] @help RC+ [08:24:37] Info for RC+: 将指定页面添加到最近更改列表中,例如 @RC+ 页面名称 [08:26:32] @RC+ beta_wikiversity Wikiversity:互助客栈 [08:26:32] 频道没有启用最近更改 [08:26:52] @recentchanges-on [08:26:52] 供稿已启用 [08:27:20] @RC+ beta_wikiversity Wikiversity:互助客栈 [08:27:20] 由于我不知道这个wiki网站,我无法插入此字串,请联系有svn访问权限的开发人员以插入这一字串 [08:31:17] @RC+ betawikiversity_wiki Wikiversity:互助客栈 [08:31:17] 由于我不知道这个wiki网站,我无法插入此字串,请联系有svn访问权限的开发人员以插入这一字串