[11:28:45] @seen-on [11:28:45] Seen is now enabled in the channel [11:28:57] @seen damianz [11:28:57] petan: damianz is in #wikimedia-tech right now [11:30:20] @seen pingveno [11:30:20] petan: pingveno is in #huggle right now [11:30:37] @seen guoyunhebrav [11:30:37] petan: I have never seen guoyunhebrav [11:30:45] @seen guoyunhebrave [11:30:45] petan: I have never seen guoyunhebrave [11:31:04] @seen guoyunhebrave [11:31:04] petan: I have never seen guoyunhebrave [11:31:13] @whoami [11:31:13] You are root identified by name .*@wikimedia/Petrb [11:31:16] @seen Ks0stm|Sleep [11:31:16] petan: I have never seen Ks0stm|Sleep [11:38:24] @help [11:38:24] Type @commands for list of commands. This bot is running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. source code licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot [11:38:25] @seen [11:38:28] @seen matanya [11:38:28] petan: Last time I saw matanya he was quiting the network in N/A at 9/19/2012 11:38:09 AM [11:40:12] @command [11:40:14] @commands [11:40:14] Commands: channellist, trusted, trustadd, trustdel, info, statistics-off, statistics-on, statistics-reset, configure, infobot-link, infobot-share-trust+, infobot-share-trust-, infobot-share-off, infobot-share-on, infobot-detail, infobot-off, refresh, infobot-on, drop, whoami, add, reload, suppress-off, suppress-on, help, RC-, recentchanges-on, language, infobot-ignore+, infobot-ignore-, recentchanges-off, logon, logoff, recentchanges-, recentchanges+, RC+ [11:40:15] @seen matanya [11:40:15] petan: Last time I saw matanya they were quiting the network in N/A at 9/19/2012 11:39:54 AM [11:40:50] @seen int3nz0r [11:40:50] petan: Last time I saw int3nz0r they were joining the channel, but they are not in the channel now and I don't know why in #mediawiki at 9/19/2012 11:39:54 AM [11:40:51] @whoami [11:40:52] You are root identified by name .*@wikimedia/Petrb [11:42:21] @seen petan [11:42:21] petan: are you really looking for yourself? [11:42:34] @seen damianz [11:42:34] petan: damianz is in #wikimedia-tech right now [11:42:45] @seen wikibugs-wm [11:42:45] petan: I have never seen wikibugs-wm [11:42:48] @seen wikibugs [11:42:48] petan: Last time I saw wikibugs they were talking in the channel, but they are not in the channel now and I don't know why in #mediawiki at 9/19/2012 11:39:54 AM [11:46:26] @help [11:46:26] Type @commands for list of commands. This bot is running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. source code licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot [11:46:30] @seen matanya [11:46:30] petan: Last time I saw matanya they were joining the channel, but they are not in the channel now and I don't know why in #mediawiki at 9/19/2012 11:46:18 AM [11:46:51] @seen wikibugs [11:46:51] petan: Last time I saw wikibugs they were talking in the channel, but they are not in the channel now and I don't know why in #mediawiki at 9/19/2012 11:46:18 AM [11:47:16] @seen wikibugs [11:47:16] petan: Last time I saw wikibugs they were talking in the channel, they are still in the channel in #mediawiki at 9/19/2012 11:46:18 AM [11:47:35] @seen matanya [11:47:35] petan: Last time I saw matanya they were joining the channel, they are still in the channel in #mediawiki at 9/19/2012 11:46:18 AM [11:48:03] @help [11:48:03] Type @commands for list of commands. This bot is running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. source code licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot [11:48:27] @seen [11:48:35] @seen-off [11:48:36] Seen is now disabled in the channel [11:48:37] @seen gfsg [11:48:37] Seen is disabled in this channel [11:50:07] !ping [11:50:07] bleh [11:50:13] @seen gdfgs [11:50:13] Seen is disabled in this channel [12:26:08] @seen-on [12:26:08] Seen is now enabled in the channel [12:41:20] @seen krinkle [12:41:20] petan: Last time I saw krinkle they were talking in the channel, they are still in the channel in #mediawiki at 9/19/2012 12:36:43 PM [12:42:07] @seen hashar [12:42:07] petan: Last time I saw hashar they were talking in the channel, they are still in the channel in #mediawiki at 9/19/2012 12:41:43 PM [13:27:41] @seen hashar [13:27:42] petan: Last time I saw hashar they were talking in the channel, they are still in the channel in #mediawiki at 9/19/2012 1:25:10 PM [13:27:50] !ping [13:27:51] bleh [13:36:37] @reload [13:36:37] Channel config was reloaded [13:36:57] @seen brion [13:36:57] petan: I have never seen brion [13:37:23] @seen rd [13:37:23] petan: rd is in here, right now [13:41:05] !test [13:41:05] fail [13:41:07] @help [13:41:07] Type @commands for list of commands. This bot is running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. source code licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot [13:41:15] @seen rD [13:41:15] petan: Last time I saw rD they were leaving the channel in #wm-bot at 9/19/2012 1:40:57 PM [13:41:19] @seen rd [13:41:19] petan: Last time I saw rd they were leaving the channel in #wm-bot at 9/19/2012 1:40:57 PM [13:44:06] @seen rd [13:44:06] petan: Last time I saw rd they were leaving the channel in #wm-bot at 9/19/2012 1:40:57 PM [13:58:49] @seen apergos [13:58:49] petan: Last time I saw apergos they were quiting the network in N/A at 9/19/2012 1:51:40 PM [14:31:13] @seen sumanah [14:31:13] petan: Last time I saw sumanah they were talking in the channel, they are still in the channel in #mediawiki at 9/19/2012 2:23:54 PM [14:57:25] @whoami [14:57:25] You are root identified by name .*@wikimedia/Petrb [14:57:27] @help [14:57:27] Type @commands for list of commands. This bot is running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. source code licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot [15:51:50] @seen mutante [15:51:50] petan: mutante is in #wikimedia-tech right now