[01:30:48] DEBUG Exception: Document element did not appear. file:///mnt/share/wmib/configuration/%23%23nathan2055.setting Line 1, position 1. last input was Nathan2055 chan: #wm-bot @add ##nathan2055 I feel crushed, uh :| [01:30:48] @add ##nathan2055 [01:31:03] Uh... [01:31:10] Well, he joined at least... [08:11:02] lol [09:47:52] DEBUG Exception: The request timed out last input was linky-zh chan: #wikipedia-zh-admin 新的03快速删除候选: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B7%98%E9%9B%81 I feel crushed, uh :| [09:49:42] DEBUG Exception: The request timed out last input was gerrit-wm chan: #mediawiki New patchset: Nikerabbit; "More fixes to bundlecreater" [translatewiki] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/34497 I feel crushed, uh :|