[14:21:20] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: 'meta' is expected Line 110, position 6. last input was gerrit-wm chan: #wikimedia-wikidata New patchset: Daniel Kinzler; "(bug 49264) Handle corrupt data values gracefully." [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/68002 [14:21:47] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: 'meta' is expected Line 110, position 6. last input was gerrit-wm chan: #wikimedia-wikidata New patchset: Daniel Kinzler; "(bug 49264) Handle corrupt data values gracefully." [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/68002 [14:22:15] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: 'meta' is expected Line 110, position 6. last input was tos chan: ##T13 addshore, Whichever is better [14:24:07] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: The request timed out last input was gerrit-wm chan: #wikimedia-dev Change merged: Hashar; [integration/jenkins-job-builder-config] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/62622 [15:21:07] @join #wikipedia-snuggle [15:21:30] @add #wikipedia-snuggle [15:21:32] duh. [16:16:25] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was thingles chan: #semantic-mediawiki oops. that URL will need a useskin as well: http://wikiapiary.com/w/index.php?title=Special:FormEdit&form=Website%2FForeground&target=Test+form+with+Foreground&useskin=foreground [16:22:40] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was halfak chan: #wikipedia-snuggle There's only 10 pages that referenced the old shortcut. [16:25:31] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was wmf-selenium-bot chan: #wikimedia-dev Project browsertests-en.wikipedia.org-windows-internet_explorer_7 build #100: FIXED in 4 min 12 sec: https://wmf.ci.cloudbees.com/job/browsertests-en.wikipedia.org-windows-internet_explorer_7/100/ [16:38:38] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was fortmac chan: #mediawiki marktraceur: that is exactly what i want to do [16:51:24] [12:50] <@Technical_13> @configure style-rss=bugzilla [bugzilla] $bugzilla_resolution $bugzilla_product:$title ($bugzilla_severity $bugzilla_priority assignee: $bugzilla_assignee created by: $author) - $link [12:50] <+wm-bot> Value bugzilla [bugzilla] $bugzilla_resolution $bugzilla_product:$title ($bugzilla_severity $bugzilla_priority assignee: $bugzilla_assignee created by: $author) - $link was stored into style-rss to config [16:51:34] looks like that works... [16:51:45] Anyways. brb 3h [16:55:05] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was subbu chan: #mediawiki-parsoid so, it will be a silent error. [16:58:49] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was Nikerabbit chan: #wikimedia-office uga [20:00:31] Petan am I going to have to put in a request for a way to add exceptions to RC list or am I overlooking something? [20:01:51] Like if I want it to show all changes to User*:Technical_13* except on page User:Technical_13/foobar [20:03:00] Snowolf: know anything about it? [20:03:43] T13|mobile: no clue, sorry, I use snerk + blwatcher-style bots for my personal user [20:03:47] *use [20:04:21] Kk thanks.