[01:44:46] No petan... [01:45:01] @source [01:45:09] This bot is running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. source code licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot [01:52:55] @RC+ all WM-Bot [01:52:55] Unable to insert the string to the list because there is no such wiki site known by a bot, contact some developer with svn access in order to insert it [09:37:17] @trusted [09:37:17] I trust: .*@wikimedia/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/.* (2admin), .*@mediawiki/.* (2admin), test|test (2trusted), .*@wikivoyage/.* (2admin), .*@wikidata/.* (2admin), .*@wikispecies/.* (2admin), .*@wikiversity/.* (2admin), [12:56:07] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: Error: ConnectFailure (Connection timed out) last input was MatmaRex chan: #wikimedia-dev heh [12:56:42] DEBUG Exception in module Feed: Error: ConnectFailure (Connection timed out) last input was MatmaRex chan: #wikimedia-dev it still doesn't have tests, btw. :P [14:23:08] petan: you here? [14:23:39] Can you add a key to #mediawiki for me? [18:23:00] Technical_13 why can't you do that yourself [18:23:27] You are the onlyone trusted on that channel. [18:24:30] what [18:24:38] there is like ton of others [18:25:23] you aren't even there :P [18:25:40] Not since the other day when I put bot back on channel and that error happened. [18:25:43] I trust: petan\|w!.*@wikimedia/Petrb (admin), .*@wikimedia/.* (trusted), .*@wikipedia/.* (trusted), .*@mediawiki/..* (trusted), .*@wikipedia/MZMcBride (admin), .*@wikimedia/Krinkle (admin), .*@fsf/.* (trusted), .*@unaffiliated/valhallasw (trusted), .*@wikinews/bawolff (admin), [18:26:14] I don't think so [18:26:16] On #wikimedia [18:26:22] eh [18:26:31] that one you didn't say [18:26:48] Can you add a key to #mediawiki for me? [18:27:01] ^^^ what I said.. lol [18:27:04] yes [18:27:11] #mediawiki != #wikimedia [18:27:22] Duh.. okay. [18:27:46] I'm exhausted. You're right. [20:50:31] @add #wikimedia-overflow [20:52:49] petan: I take it that channel is using an old configuration too ^^^ I am guessing this because all output on that channel is suppressed an I'm not admin even though I sent it to channel. [20:54:03] why did you put the bot there [20:54:21] It would be good if it would reply to /msg whomever asked it for information when suppressed instead of being unresponsive. [20:54:51] To improve @seen & @notify [20:55:02] that channel is not supposed to be used by anyone.. [20:55:13] it's for people who hitting limits [20:55:18] Was it not suppose to got there? [20:55:25] of course not [20:55:30] nobody can talk there, not even you [20:55:33] you need +o to talk [20:55:50] that's why bot didn't respond to you, it didn't see you talk [20:56:16] Oh, nothing is telling me I'm muted there. [20:56:26] you are [20:56:31] because the channel is +m [20:56:59] :) okay. [20:59:16] Still think it wouldn't be a bad idea for the bot to respond in PM when suppressed... [20:59:19] lol [21:00:00] At least for things like @help @info @trusted