[07:31:09] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: 'Schmitt' is expected Line 17, position 31. last input was JurgenBot chan: #wikimedia-nl-vandalism 07IP-adres 14bewerkt 14Romantiek (stroming) 10(-40) 12http://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=42027863&oldid=42027860&rcid=61649258 3Samenvatting: 14"/* Geschiedenis */" [07:31:24] !ping [07:31:25] prank! [07:31:36] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: 'Schmitt' is expected Line 17, position 31. last input was JurgenBot chan: #wikimedia-nl-vandalism 06Gebruiker HannesHeyn 04bewerkt gevolgde pagina 14Jeroen Blijlevens 10(+97) 12http://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=42027865&oldid=41687086&rcid=61649260 3Samenvatting: 14"" [07:31:59] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: 'Schmitt' is expected Line 17, position 31. last input was JurgenBot chan: #wikimedia-nl-vandalism 06Gebruiker HannesHeyn 04bewerkt gevolgde pagina 14Christophe Brandt 10(+97) 12http://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=42027867&oldid=41767024&rcid=61649264 3Samenvatting: 14"" [07:33:42] !ping [07:33:43] prank! [07:33:48] Infobot enabled [07:33:48] @infobot-on [07:39:02] petan: are those DEBUG error messages anything particular to note. or to look for? [07:41:05] no as long as it's something known that isn't really fixable [07:41:38] for example these are from RSS plugin which uses .Net XML library, which can't read XML provided by one of 3rd RSS providers which is either borked or not readable by it [07:41:51] the bug is either on side of RSS provider, or inside of .Net [07:41:56] nothing I can really fix easily [07:47:37] k, good news [08:04:03] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was Didym chan: #wikimedia-commons report vfc issues to rillke, maybe he can/will improve it [08:05:29] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was grrrit-wm chan: #mediawiki-feed (03PS1) 10Henning Snater: Removed obsolete value supplement template [extensions/Wikibase] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/158595 [08:07:31] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±13] 13http://git.io/4ql72Q [08:07:32] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03b97a29d - potential deadlock fix [08:07:36] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was Not-f47f chan: #wm-bot [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03b97a29d - potential deadlock fix [08:07:59] DEBUG Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object last input was wm-bot chan: #wm-bot DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was Not-f47f chan: #wm-bot [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03b97a29d - potential deadlock fix [08:17:39] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was SirBot chan: #wikipedia-pt-bots 13User14 [[s:pt:User:Liuscomaes]] 13Copyvio?14 [[s:pt:Contos Populares Portuguezes/A bicha de sete cabeças]] 07(+572)14 10URL:12 http://pt.wikisource.org/w/index.php?oldid=286119&rcid=38572014 "[[Ajuda:SEA|←]] nova página: {{navegar |obra = [[Contos Populares Portuguezes]] |autor = Adolfo Coelho |anterior = Contos Populares Portuguezes/O senhor das janellas-verdes|O senho..." [08:17:40] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was wm-bot chan: #wm-bot DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was SirBot chan: #wikipedia-pt-bots 13User14 [[s:pt:User:Liuscomaes]] 13Copyvio?14 [[s:pt:Contos Populares Portuguezes/A bicha de sete cabeças]] 07(+572)14 10URL:12 http://pt.wikisource.org/w/index.php?oldid=286119&rcid=38572 [08:17:40] https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/pt:User:Liuscomaes https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/pt:Contos_Populares_Portuguezes/A_bicha_de_sete_cabe%c3%a7as [08:19:36] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was wm-bot chan: ###mysterytrey [k] Marine veteran here to vent for a second: Marine veteran here to vent for a second. I http://boards.4chan.org/k/thread/22687666#22687666 [08:19:46] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was JurgenBot chan: #wikimedia-nl-vandalism 06Gebruiker TimGiesbers 14haalt veel tekst weg op Pools voetbalelftal 1005(-1243) 12http://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=42028117&oldid=41613043&rcid=61649711 3Samenvatting: 14"/* Huidige selectie */" [08:26:35] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±6] 13http://git.io/AkfSPw [08:26:36] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03276fb5c - lf: removed all instance locks [08:37:19] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±5] 13http://git.io/GSxsog [08:37:21] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 0394320c4 - more cleanup [08:37:33] DEBUG Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object last input was Not-f47f chan: #wm-bot [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 0394320c4 - more cleanup [08:58:23] @join ##RomtamStatus [08:58:36] This channel is already in db [08:58:36] @add ##RomtamStatus [08:58:50] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [08:58:50] @part ##RomtamStatus [08:58:59] @part ##Romtamstatus [08:59:05] @join ##Romtamstatus [08:59:13] This channel is already in db [08:59:13] @add ##Romtamstatus [08:59:18] What [08:59:22] @part ##Romtamstatus [08:59:24] @add ##Romtamstatus [09:22:04] RomtamK: you had extra space in there [09:23:32] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/_jUITA [09:23:34] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03b24d5cb - trim channel name [09:25:22] %trusted [09:25:22] I trust: petan (2admin), jimbo (2admin), xx (2#wm-bot.super-duper-petan), josve (2#wm-bot.test), Josve (2#wm-bot.test), [09:25:28] %whoami [09:25:29] You are unknown to me :) [09:25:34] %join #test [09:25:34] Permission denied [09:25:38] %drop [09:25:38] Cowardly refusing to part this channel, because I love it :3 [09:25:46] %drop #test [09:25:46] I don't know about this channel, you need to specify some I am in [09:26:05] %add #xxxxxxx [09:26:18] %part #xxxxxxx [09:26:18] Permission denied [09:26:31] %trustadd hacker operator [09:26:32] Wrong number of parameters, go fix it - example @trustadd regex (admin|trusted) [09:26:42] %trustadd hacker operator x [09:26:42] Unknown user level! [09:30:33] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/oYuGFQ [09:30:34] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03d40c8a5 - fixed parameters of trusted and trustdel [09:30:37] DEBUG Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object last input was Not-f47f chan: #wm-bot [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03d40c8a5 - fixed parameters of trusted and trustdel [09:30:47] %trusted [09:31:09] %trusted [09:31:09] I trust: petan (2admin), jimbo (2admin), xx (2#wm-bot.super-duper-petan), josve (2#wm-bot.test), Josve (2#wm-bot.test), [09:31:18] %trustadd hacker trusted [09:31:18] Successfuly added hacker [09:31:23] %whoami [09:31:24] You are trusted identified by name hacker [09:31:32] %trustadd test operator [09:31:33] You can't grant or revoke role that is higher than your own role [09:31:37] %trustadd test trusted [09:31:38] Successfuly added test [09:31:42] %trustdel test [09:31:43] User was deleted from access list [09:31:47] %trustdel hacker [09:31:47] You can't delete yourself from db [09:31:52] %trustdel josve [09:31:53] User was deleted from access list [09:31:59] %trustdel Josve [09:31:59] User was deleted from access list [09:32:03] %trustdel jimbo [09:32:04] You can't grant or revoke role that is higher than your own role [09:32:11] %trusted [09:32:12] I trust: petan (2admin), jimbo (2admin), xx (2#wm-bot.super-duper-petan), hacker (2trusted), [09:40:31] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±2] 13http://git.io/wWEZIA [09:40:32] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03515d0c6 - generic clean up [09:40:39] DEBUG Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object last input was Not-f47f chan: #wm-bot [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03515d0c6 - generic clean up [09:43:21] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: 'Schmitt' is expected Line 17, position 31. last input was [09:43:34] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [09:43:34] @help [09:43:51] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: 'Schmitt' is expected Line 17, position 31. last input was COIBot chan: #wikimedia-external-links Saved an XWiki report for kirbytuwyakt.tripod.co.uk (XWiki spam by !ALL). [09:44:15] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: 'Schmitt' is expected Line 17, position 31. last input was SirBot chan: #wikipedia-pt-bots 03IP14 [[w:pt:User:]] 03Copyvio?14 [[w:pt:Armando Pinto]] 07(+3448)14 10URL:12 http://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=39991427&rcid=5096067114 "nova página: Armando Pinto Região Norte » Sub-região Tâmega » Felgueiras » Rande » Armando Pinto Armando Pinto Rande Armando Pinto é historiador, autor de diversas obras lite..." [09:44:21] I know: add, channellist, commands, configure, drop, help, info, instance, join, language, part, reload, restart, suppress-off, suppress-on, system-rm, traffic-off, traffic-on, trustadd, trustdel, trusted, verbosity--, verbosity++, whoami [09:44:21] @commands [09:44:37] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Not allowed character was found. Line 1, position 392. last input was wm-beta chan: ###mysterytrey [k] I'm a recent veteran, what handgun should I buy: http://boards.4chan.org/k/thread/22688224#22688224 [09:44:58] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Not allowed character was found. Line 1, position 2741. last input was TC-RC-Bot chan: ##Glaisher Kleopetra fan Kleopetra fan triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/79|filter 79]], performing the action "edit" on [[Atlee Kumar]]. Actions taken: Tag ([[Special:AbuseLog/44603|details]]); https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Log/hit [09:45:20] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Not allowed character was found. Line 1, position 4732. last input was SirBot chan: #wikipedia-pt-bots 13User14 [[w:pt:User:GUROMETAL]] 13Large removal14 [[w:pt:Babymetal]] 04(-921)14 10Diff:12 http://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=39991428&oldid=39980524&rcid=5096067714 "/* Relações */ excluindo seção "Relações"; conteúdo foi incluído no corpo do artigo em prosa." [09:52:28] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was wm-bot chan: #wm-bot DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Not allowed character was found. Line 1, position 4732. last input was SirBot chan: #wikipedia-pt-bots 13User14 [[w:pt:User:GUROMETAL]] 13Large removal14 [[w:pt:Babymetal]] 04(-921)14 10Diff:12 http://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=39991428&oldid=39980524&rcid=5096067714 "/* Relações */ [09:52:28] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/pt:User:GUROMETAL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/pt:Babymetal [09:52:34] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was _joe_ chan: #wikimedia-labs *s [09:52:58] what lol [09:53:25] ah right [09:53:27] beta [09:53:37] I am in 270 channels in this moment [09:53:37] @channellist [09:54:20] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was ingwaem chan: #salt i have a ton of code using port 8000 to connect [10:32:23] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was Helpmebot chan: #wikipedia-en-helpers 1 user is requesting help: [[User talk:Shmmon]] http://is.gd/4qzbr5 [10:32:27] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was wm-bot chan: #wm-bot DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was Helpmebot chan: #wikipedia-en-helpers 1 user is requesting help: [[User talk:Shmmon]] http://is.gd/4qzbr5 [10:32:27] https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Shmmon [10:33:39] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was wm-bot chan: #wm-bot https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Shmmon [10:33:46] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was JurgenBot chan: #wikimedia-nl-vandalism 09Whitelisted gebruiker Mar(c) 04bewerkt gevolgde pagina 14Robin van Persie 1002(+591) 12http://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=42029030&oldid=42028963&rcid=61652054 3Samenvatting: 14"tabel Interlands van Robin van Persie: ndashes, opmaak vet" [10:33:49] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was wm-bot chan: ###mysterytrey Unable to parse the feed from https://boards.4chan.org/k/index.rss this url is probably not a valid rss, the feed will be disabled, until you re-enable it by typing @rss+ k [11:08:29] !ping [11:08:29] Pong! [11:08:29] prank! [11:08:34] %infobot-off [11:08:34] Infobot disabled [11:37:18] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was Vogone chan: #wikiversity-lt Glaisher: who, who, who? :D [11:37:22] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was wm-bot chan: #wm-bot DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was Vogone chan: #wikiversity-lt Glaisher: who, who, who? :D [11:38:19] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was moos3 chan: #salt anyone have a good talk or walk though on pillars and multiple environments such as dev, stage, prod ? [11:47:31] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was Nemo_bis chan: #wikimedia-commons Now told him [12:01:41] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was wm-bot2 chan: ##L235 Change on en_wikipedia a page Wikipedia:Requests for permissions/Rollback was modified, changed by KingpinBot link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=624279968 edit summary: [[Wikipedia:Requests for permissions/Archive|Archiving]] 1 request (1 approved: 0 declined) ([[WP:BOT|bot edit]] [12:01:41] https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Requests_for_permissions/Archive https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:BOT [12:25:31] I know: add, channellist, commands, configure, drop, help, info, instance, join, language, part, reload, restart, suppress-off, suppress-on, system-rm, traffic-off, traffic-on, trustadd, trustdel, trusted, verbosity--, verbosity++, whoami [12:25:31] @commands [13:03:16] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 032 commits to 03master [+0/-0/±8] 13http://git.io/LMLf8Q [13:03:17] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 0356fd8cb - cleaned up [13:03:18] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 03f32f2f2 - make RSS feed less spammy in debug channel [13:04:32] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±1] 13http://git.io/GauJ8w [13:04:33] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 0364e6550 - clean up [13:46:15] DEBUG Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object last input was wm-bot2 chan: ##L235 Change on en_wikipedia a page User talk:Lixxx235 was modified, changed by 2over0 link https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=624288462 edit summary: [+319] /* Move request */ done [13:50:52] %commands [13:50:53] I know: add, channellist, commands, configure, drop, grant, grantrole, help, info, instance, join, language, part, reload, restart, revoke, revokerole, suppress-off, suppress-on, system-rm, traffic-off, traffic-on, trustadd, trustdel, trusted, verbosity--, verbosity++, whoami [15:08:40] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was UtahDave chan: #salt just a minute [15:19:04] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was revent chan: #wikipedia-en-helpers (sorry for pings) [15:51:49] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr pushed 031 commit to 03master [+0/-0/±7] 13http://git.io/bolbOA [15:51:50] [02wikimedia-bot] 07benapetr 0380a825a - general clean-up [16:00:07] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was SirBot chan: #wikipedia-pt-bots 03IP14 [[w:pt:User:]] 03edited14 [[w:pt:Cartoon Network Portugal]] (+216)14 10Diff:12 http://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=39992855&oldid=39977935&rcid=5096455414 "Novos episodios de t.a e gumball no proximo. e versao hd" [16:10:48] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was SirBot chan: #wikipedia-pt-bots 03IP14 [[w:pt:User:]] 03edited14 [[w:pt:Hélder Postiga]] (+9)14 10Diff:12 http://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=39992918&oldid=39989338&rcid=5096465014 "" [16:12:37] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone2): ReceiveFailure last input was TC-RC-Bot chan: ##Glaisher Thenextstep613 Thenextstep613 triggered [[Special:AbuseFilter/79|filter 79]], performing the action "edit" on [[Top ten dramas on cbbc]]. Actions taken: Tag ([[Special:AbuseLog/44622|details]]); https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Log/hit [16:36:02] DEBUG Exception in plugin RSS: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure last input was Stef990015 chan: #koffieverslaafd ?