[07:55:19] @add #wikipedia-id [07:56:26] This channel is already in db [07:56:26] @add #wikipedia-id [15:01:32] !ping [15:01:33] prank! [15:02:06] addshore: can you restart wm-bot? petan can I get the password to do it myself? [15:02:27] why restart [15:02:34] it's up and running [15:02:38] Infobot enabled [15:02:38] @infobot-on [15:02:41] !ping [15:02:41] pong [15:02:41] prank! [15:02:59] wm-bot: and wm-bot2 seem non-responsive and wm-bot5 isn't even cloaked. [15:02:59] Hi Technical_13, there is some error, I am a stupid bot and I am not intelligent enough to hold a conversation with you :-) [15:03:20] (04:37:53) [wm-bot2] PING -8587810698759011318 [15:03:21] (10:03:09) [CTCP] wm-bot2: PING -8587809638955210858 [15:03:38] Is there a way to get all of the instances to sound off in here to see if one of the bouncers is dead? [15:04:23] I tired @help in ##Josve05a and wm-bot isn't answering... checking if suppress-on is active... [15:05:28] [10:05] <+Technical_13> @suppress-off gives me no response either. [15:06:24] wm-bot2* is it that's in my channel [15:06:28] . [15:06:40] wm-bot: restart [15:06:40] Hi Agent_Isai, there is some error, I am a stupid bot and I am not intelligent enough to hold a conversation with you :-) [15:06:59] Oh [15:06:59] Uh [15:07:35] restarted [15:07:56] :) [15:08:01] you all suck. [15:08:06] it's back! [15:08:06] Now... About me getting the password... [15:08:07] * Agent_Isai is waiting to see all wm-bot bots restarting [15:08:13] oh [15:08:18] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [15:08:18] @help [15:08:21] Agent_Isai: what you mean? I just restarted it [15:08:25] it's already done [15:08:31] Ok [15:08:34] it never quits freenode [15:08:38] * Technical_13 waits for pm [15:08:40] even when it reboots :3 [15:08:40] Ahh [15:08:54] I thought it quit and rejoined [15:08:59] Technical_13: I will consider it [15:09:08] are you even familiar with unix? [15:09:22] I think you already have powers to do @restart [15:09:30] unless your cloak changed [15:09:42] try @whoami [15:09:58] I'm in a unix class this semester and have been working on toollabs for a few days. [15:10:07] I do. [15:10:07] ok can you do @whoami? [15:10:13] You are root identified by name .*@wikimedia/Technical-13 [15:10:13] @whoami [15:10:15] well in that case you can restart it :) [15:10:28] you just type @restart it's same as killing it on unix [15:11:27] Is there anyway I can make it rejoin irc or have it send a raw /nick when it is `guest87t5698`? [15:11:41] %help [15:11:41] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [15:11:44] hmm there is command for that in its telnet wait [15:11:46] I will check [15:11:53] &help [15:11:55] oh [15:13:29] I plan on updating the linkie list in the near future to add phab, I just need to find a compiler. Also, am I still able to upload (as in, am I still on the project list)? [15:50:58] @db [16:13:20] I hate phabricator [16:13:30] I liked the old Bugzilla [16:16:43] nothing I can do about it [16:17:25] :/ [16:27:03] lol [16:27:29] * T13|mobile loves phab and can't wait for gerrit to be merged as well. [16:29:18] * Josve05a hates pha..phe...pharmacy [16:29:47] So cluttery, dark..."trying to modern", only looks...confusing [16:57:36] ^ [16:58:22] Josve05a and Agent_Isai, you'll both get used to it. [16:58:51] wm-bot2: no [17:02:09] * wm-bot2 smacks Agent_Isai with a large pink trout. [17:02:52] wm-bot2, why aren't you working correctly in my channel :| [17:04:26] @ban broke [17:04:28] Agent_Isai:what in heaven do you mean? I'm working perfectly. [17:04:50] wm-bot2, what is your kickban command [17:05:02] Agent_Isai: How is @ban broke? [17:05:15] I tried it and it didn't work [17:05:34] Agent_Isai: @kb [17:06:06] Agent_Isai: do you always talk to bot [17:06:09] Oh thanks [17:06:24] T13|mobile: yup [17:06:31] Thank you wm-bot [17:06:31] Hey T13|mobile, you are welcome! [17:07:37] wm-bot2, are you alive <_< [17:10:01] Sadly Agent_Isai, no... But I hear Johnny five is alive. [17:10:29] wm-bot2, do you live in Debian or Ubuntu [17:11:51] It's not alive... [17:12:31] @kb only kicks people :/ [17:12:31] Permission denied [17:12:35] lol [17:14:23] wm-bot2, @kb only kicks people :( [18:49:59] * wm-bot5 is alive. [18:50:45] wm-bot5: shhh. [18:50:48] Yes master. [19:17:14] @kick wm-bot7 [19:17:23] No, master! [19:17:33] petan: strange it doesn't work. [19:48:24] %add works? [19:48:24] Permission denied [19:48:29] oh k [19:48:50] %join maybe? [19:48:50] Permission denied [19:48:53] D: [19:49:04] %trusted [19:49:05] I trust: petan (2admin), jimbo (2admin), xx (2#wm-bot.super-duper-petan), hacker (2trusted), [19:49:10] If you have permission. %whoami [19:49:18] %whoami [19:49:19] You are root identified by name .*@wikimedia/Technical-13 [19:49:24] :/ [19:49:32] &whoami [19:49:32] O.o [19:49:58] @wgoami! [19:50:00] Heh [19:50:35] %whoami [19:50:36] You are unknown to me :) [19:50:37] D: [19:51:01] %whoami [19:51:01] You are unknown to me :) [19:51:10] meh, I was admin back in the days [19:51:22] Josve05a: wrong bot [19:51:26] no [19:51:31] You are root identified by name .*@wikimedia/Technical-13 [19:51:31] @whoami [19:51:39] %whoami [19:51:40] You are root identified by name .*@wikimedia/Technical-13 [19:51:57] I wonder if I can have wm-beta in my channel... [19:52:05] %trustadd .*@wikipedia/Josve05a admin [19:52:06] Successfuly added .*@wikipedia/Josve05a [19:52:10] Why? [19:52:18] :P [19:52:30] ? [19:52:40] heh [19:53:15] User not found, sorry [19:53:15] @trustdel jimbo [19:53:28] User not found, sorry [19:53:28] @trustdel xx [19:53:37] User not found, sorry [19:53:37] @trustdel root [19:53:39] xD [19:53:57] User not found, sorry [19:53:57] @trustdel .*@wikipedia/Josve05a [19:54:12] uhh [19:54:30] %trustdel jimbo [19:54:32] Permission denied [19:54:36] D: [19:54:40] %trustdel jimbo [19:54:40] %trustdel jimbo [19:54:40] %trustdel xx [19:54:41] User was deleted from access list [19:54:42] User not found, sorry [19:54:43] User was deleted from access list [19:54:46] %trustdel .*@wikipedia/Josve05a [19:54:47] User was deleted from access list [19:55:07] lol [19:55:13] nooo was going to do %optools-on and %kick T13|mobile :/ [19:55:24] D: [19:55:43] %trusted [19:55:44] I trust: petan (2admin), hacker (2trusted), [19:56:01] %add ##Isai please :< [19:56:02] Permission denied [19:56:06] D: [19:56:11] No. [19:56:21] ok [19:56:26] wm-beta: only goes in here for now. [19:57:33] Awww :( [20:06:00] %channellist [20:06:01] I am in 10 channels in this moment [20:07:03] I'm assuming petan put them there.