[03:46:19] DEBUG Exception in module RC: Object reference not set to an instance of an object st: at wmib.RecentChanges.Save () [0x00000] in :0 [03:46:51] RE ^ I just typed: [03:46:52] 04:46:18 <+Josve05a> @RC+ en_wikipedia Simone_Borrelli [03:47:17] and the caused the message in here, and it "froze" for 15 secs before doing it [03:54:34] DEBUG Exception in module RC: Object reference not set to an instance of an object st: at wmib.RecentChanges.Save () [0x00000] in :0 [03:54:45] RE: 04:54:33 <+Josve05a> @RC+ en_wikipedia Talk:Simone_Borrelli [03:55:07] petan, T13|mobile [04:52:58] Permission denied [04:52:58] @part #wikipedia-en-help [04:53:01] damn [04:53:34] This channel is already in db [04:53:34] @join #wikipedia-en-help [04:53:42] Well, work then god-damit [05:47:05] I thought Josve05a was global admin on the bot [05:47:15] hahaha [05:49:18] L235: What gave you that impression? I have never been able to controll any bot [05:49:25] lol [05:49:40] Except for wm-bot7 [05:55:26] Why don't you register wm-bot2, wm-bot3, etc [10:29:29] Josve05a: if you find a bug report to phabricator not here [10:31:38] @part #wikipedia-en-help [17:24:06] T13|mobile: petan wm-bot2 is dead in ##Josve05a again... [17:25:51] wow lol [17:25:59] wm-bot2 is ok [17:26:10] It's working fine in my channel [17:26:42] nvm [17:26:45] It died [17:27:05] It was supposed to do rss feeds on my channel but it hasn't [17:27:38] Permission denied [17:27:38] @restart [17:27:41] :/ [17:28:56] Someone restart wm-bot2 [17:31:14] @part ##Josve05a [17:31:23] @add ##Josve05a [17:31:34] :/ [17:32:27] wm-bot2 supposed to report everything that is happening on wikipedia in ##Isai-feeds but it isn't [18:00:46] T13|mobile: could you restart the bots again please? [18:07:17] Yes [18:07:21] System is shutting down, requested by T13|mobile from #wm-bot [18:09:02] . [18:10:01] * wm-bot2 is here. [18:10:08] ...? [18:10:12] wm-bot3? [18:10:26] * wm-bot3 is here. [18:10:47] * wm-bot4 is here. [18:11:10] * wm-bot5 is alive. [18:11:21] * Jurgen|Cloud is here [18:11:21] All good? [18:11:27] Thanks, T13|mobile :) [18:12:10] Ok [18:12:42] Josve05a: you good? [18:12:50] And wm-beta? [18:12:59] Is it dead? [18:13:03] %help [18:13:04] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [18:13:07] ok [18:13:46] I don't have much control over beta [20:32:55] I wonder if petan would consider giving me access to the bots server [20:33:09] like, bot project [20:34:39] * Agent_Isai glares [20:37:52] Agent_Isai: hmm? [20:38:28] In case bot project lead is interested, my Wikitech username is "lixxx235" [20:57:48] L235: for what? Do you have a toollabs or bots account on wikitech, [21:20:31] @join #wikimedia-releng [21:20:47] This channel is already in db [21:20:47] @add #wikimedia-releng [21:20:57] @part #wikimedia-releng [21:21:01] @join #wikimedia-releng [21:51:50] T13|mobile: yeah, I have a toollab bot account; I could help maintain when, say, wm-bot4 gets renamed to user???, which surprisingly happens a *lot* [21:52:16] s/toollabs bot account/toollabs account/ [21:57:12] I can fix those.. [22:07:19] T13|mobile: you don't happen to be on a lot of the time [22:07:49] I mean that without any offense; I hope you, unlike me, have a life ;) [22:09:34] I have no life, and I'm almost always on. [22:09:43] Heh, ok [22:09:58] I just didn't see you around very much prior to, say, Christmas [22:10:04] But oke [22:10:23] Took a break for school. [22:13:28] T13|mobile: I'm going to nominate you for a free t-shirt from the Wikimedia Shop [22:25:54] @add #wikimedia-ua-board [22:28:00] @part #wikimedia-ua-board [22:28:05] @join #wikimedia-ua-board [22:29:54] yurb: you good? [22:30:37] yep, it joined the channel) thanks)