[02:01:21] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [02:01:21] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [02:44:26] petan: you around? [02:46:17] I'll try to get you tomorrow. :) [11:21:04] T13|away: yets [11:21:26] Good day petan [11:21:34] I am checking what happened [11:21:54] Labs NFS went down for 3 hours. [11:21:59] meh [11:22:05] sounds like we got a bit of outage in logs [11:22:27] Once it came back up I restarted wm-bot and it stopped with the errors. [11:22:39] noooooooooooooo [11:22:51] that's worst thing you can do... now all logs are lost :(( [11:23:01] if FS has outage, logs are kept in RAM [11:23:11] until FS gets back so they can be written do disk [11:23:17] but if you restart the bot they are all gone [11:23:32] From what I understand from coren, something decided to dump all of cache to disk and there was no RAM left for anything else. [11:23:51] that machine is dedicated to wm-bot, ram is not a problem [11:24:28] yes... logs are gone [11:24:50] next time just wait for me, don't restart anything pls [11:25:12] Oh, someone asked me why wm-bot logs are on labs since it's inaccessible when labs are down and that's when they might be most useful. [11:25:12] it's just IRC logs, so no big deal, but still we could save them :P [11:25:30] Will do. [11:25:48] wm-bot logs are on labs because it doesn't live on production servers :P [11:26:15] there is no room for wm-bot there, it's just a tiny bot, nothing important for wmf [11:26:49] The question I had for you is if you could help me figure out what I need to run a custom version of wm-bot for xTools. [11:27:33] I want to be able to query tool statuses from irc and restart tools and other such things. [11:27:40] you only need a server [11:27:46] with mono [11:28:09] setting up wm-bot is very easy but not very well documented, maybe you could help :) [11:28:12] Can I run it from labs in the xtools project? [11:28:16] there could be a wiki page on github [11:28:18] yes [11:28:28] but not with a bouncer and not with netcat module [11:28:34] these 2 things are not tool labs friendly [11:28:39] Don't need those. [11:28:53] wait let's set up a wiki page on github [11:28:58] It would only be in 5-8 channels tops [11:31:41] XTools actually has it's own labs instance, we just haven't set it up yet. :/ [11:32:41] it doesn't matter, you just need to be able to start a process, that's all you need [11:32:44] no need for dedicated box [11:33:56] I'm on a phone at a bus stop atm. Can set up on GitHub once I get to school. [12:16:50] https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/wiki [12:17:00] let me know if anything is not clear [12:17:03] feel free to update [12:23:12] Will do. Bus leaves in 10 minutes and i should be at school in 30. [13:26:35] petan: sudo apt-get install install mono-complete git [13:26:42] Install twice? [13:26:51] you don't need to do this on tool labs [13:26:56] both things are already there [13:27:11] this is a guide for a clean server [13:27:14] not for tool labs [13:27:38] Users can't sudo on tool labs anyways, just asking for my test setup on a local vm [13:27:45] ok [13:27:51] in that case this will install 2 packages [13:27:58] ah [13:27:59] I see [13:28:09] {{sofixit?}} [13:28:09] https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:sofixit%3f [13:28:21] I know: add, channel-info, channellist, commands, configure, drop, github-, github+, github-off, github-on, grant, grantrole, help, info, instance, join, language, notify, optools-off, optools-on, optools-permanent-off, optools-permanent-on, part, rc-ping, rc-restart, reauth, recentchanges-off, recentchanges-on, reload, restart, revoke, revokerole, seen, seen-host, seen-off, seen-on, seenrx, suppress-off, suppress-on, systeminfo, system-rm, traffic-off, traffic-on, translate, trustadd, trustdel, trusted, uptime, verbosity--, verbosity++, wd, whoami [13:28:21] @commands [13:28:27] meh [13:28:39] I will, was just confirming since I'm kinda new to linux cmd line [13:28:46] no, it's wrong [13:28:49] just one install [13:29:02] I need to know if you can edit the wiki or not [13:29:45] I don't see how [13:29:59] there should be edit button [13:30:11] I don't see one [13:30:35] I'm not signed in... [13:30:44] That might help.. [13:30:45] that's it [13:30:53] lol [13:31:08] I see it now... go figure [13:36:41] How does that look? [13:44:15] !wiki is https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/wiki [13:44:15] Key was added [14:10:16] * L235 wonders when a dev is not signed in to github [14:18:20] lol [14:18:52] When it's a new laptop and they hadn't visited github yet [14:19:16] ah [14:57:30] petan: your instructions are lacking. [14:57:33] lol [14:57:41] ok tell me what man [14:57:46] so that I can add it [14:58:00] I set up a brand new Ubuntu 12 server - mostly default. [14:59:09] ok how is that lacking in manual? [14:59:29] Got mono-complete fine, added user fine, su to user fine except it gives a warning no home dir. [14:59:45] Uses $HOME=/ [15:00:06] try to git and get all kinds of permission denied. [15:00:13] ok fixed [15:00:52] just create the user once more [15:00:58] or create completely new user :P [15:01:02] I exited out and manually created the home directory and src directory then chown those to wm-bot:wm-bot [15:01:08] or that [15:01:40] I will remove these dollards on wiki [15:01:44] they make it hard to copy paste to reminal [15:01:46] terminal [15:01:51] Then git worked. Then I tried to cd into src and it didn't know where it was. [15:02:11] So I put inan absolute path and fine [15:02:35] o.O [15:02:39] makes no sense [15:02:45] did you clone it as on wiki? [15:02:51] git clone http://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot src [15:02:53] Yes [15:03:03] that would make a new folder called src in your current folder [15:03:13] if you did sudo su - wm-bot before [15:03:18] you would be in home folder of user wm-bot [15:03:24] Yes [15:03:25] so the src folder would be in ~/src [15:03:30] which is right [15:03:41] Don't forget I manually created the folders [15:03:52] How do I deluser ? [15:04:03] I'll try that part from scratch. [15:04:24] userdel [15:04:31] but that probably won't delete home folder [15:04:39] you should have make a snapshot of that vbox [15:04:49] once you installed it so that you can always go back [15:04:52] to clean state [15:04:52] I can clean up after [15:06:06] Sudo userdel -fr wm-bot [15:06:40] Cleared out all except an untouched /var/mail/wm-bot [15:07:43] Better [15:08:17] Still get -su: 3: make: not found [15:09:00] I'm guessing it is part of mono and not in $PATH? [15:21:09] petan: ^^ [15:21:39] hmm, let me fix [15:22:00] just install make [15:22:04] updated [15:22:09] sudo apt-get install mono-complete make git [15:25:54] Strange [15:26:18] Can't cd to /home/wm-bot/prod [15:26:30] Yes, I'm still su as wm-bot [15:27:15] Ahh. Think I know why [15:31:22] First cp command gives no such file or directory for ../src/bin/scripts [15:32:13] And I see none when I check. [15:32:33] fixed [15:50:02] Hey, I got it here. [15:50:15] &whoami [15:50:15] You are unknown to me :) [15:50:23] That's not good... [15:50:48] LOL how do I set myself as root petan so I can control my instance? [15:51:55] And then... can I have it connect to multiple networks or does each network need its own instance? [15:53:32] T13|mobile: updated [15:54:07] And then... can I have it connect to multiple networks or does each network need its own instance? [15:54:30] For example, freenode and rizon [15:55:15] each network requires instance [15:55:23] Can do that. [15:55:49] Is there a specific file name for admin config file? [15:55:56] yes [15:55:59] configuration/admins [15:56:04] configuration is folder [15:56:09] I understand now [15:57:44] Updated doc [15:58:04] that's not right path :P [15:58:38] ~/prod/configuration/admins ? [15:58:41] yes [15:59:12] Or... yeah. (~/instance/configuration/admins) [15:59:14] &help [15:59:14] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [15:59:44] you can technically put the bot anywhere you want, so "~" shouldn't be there [16:00:03] it's just alias to home directory, but for example on labs, wm-bot is located in /mnt/share [16:00:36] Thought it wasn't on labs? Thought it was on bots [16:00:38] lol [16:00:53] labs = everything [16:00:57] bots is a project of labs [16:01:03] tool-labs is a project of labs [16:01:06] labs = wikimedia labs [16:01:14] Mono wmib.exe % [16:01:28] To put it as background process, right? [16:01:35] no, that would & [16:01:42] nohup mono wmib.exe & [16:01:57] Thanks. I get confused. Knew there was a way though. [16:02:07] this isn't a best thing to do [16:02:31] there is service script in "scripts" folder but it's hard to setup [16:02:36] I will need to write a manual for that [16:02:43] &whoami [16:02:43] You are unknown to me :) [16:02:48] MEH [16:02:53] Please. I'll help debug it. [16:03:12] I have to go now :P [16:03:15] good luck [16:03:27] You are root identified by name .*@wikimedia/Technical-13 [16:03:27] @whoami [16:03:40] that isn't your bot ^ [16:04:08] you really want to put your bot into different channel, otherwise you will accidentally fuck up production one ;) [16:04:09] I know, easiest way to get my regex. [16:04:36] This isn't it's debug channel [16:04:46] #xTools is [16:04:58] &whoami [16:04:59] You are root identified by name .*@wikimedia/Technical-13 [16:05:05] ;) [16:05:43] you can start the bot with -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv parameter to get MUCH more verbose output [16:05:43] Hrmm. [16:05:47] or you can use [16:05:49] Verbosity: 1 [16:05:49] @verbosity++ [16:05:53] Verbosity: 0 [16:05:53] @verbosity-- [16:06:08] you will see that in terminal log though [16:06:10] not in channel logs [16:06:32] that's best thing to debug stuff [16:06:42] you can also run traffic dumps to see raw irc traffic [16:06:47] I know: add, channel-info, channellist, commands, configure, drop, github-, github+, github-off, github-on, grant, grantrole, help, info, instance, join, language, notify, optools-off, optools-on, optools-permanent-off, optools-permanent-on, part, rc-ping, rc-restart, reauth, recentchanges-off, recentchanges-on, reload, restart, revoke, revokerole, seen, seen-host, seen-off, seen-on, seenrx, suppress-off, suppress-on, systeminfo, system-rm, traffic-off, traffic-on, translate, trustadd, trustdel, trusted, uptime, verbosity--, verbosity++, wd, whoami [16:06:47] @commands [16:07:04] &traffic-on etc [16:07:04] Permission denied [16:07:16] that will dump irc traffic to a file [16:08:03] &channels [16:08:07] &channellist [16:08:07] I am in 1 channels in this moment [16:08:12] you lied! [16:08:16] it's not in #xTools [16:08:35] :D [16:08:48] well it may be but probably in some weird status [16:09:23] &help [16:09:23] I am running http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WM-Bot version wikimedia bot v. [libirc v. 1.0.2] my source code is licensed under GPL and located at https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot I will be very happy if you fix my bugs or implement new features [16:09:28] you need to add it there [16:09:36] &add xx [16:09:36] Permission denied [16:11:30] &xTools [16:11:37] &add xTools [16:11:37] Invalid name [16:11:43] &add #xTools [16:11:44] Attempting to join #xTools using xTools-bot [16:16:54] I trust: .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*@unaffiliated/-leo-/.* (2null), .*@wikimedia-commons/JurgenNL (2admin), .*@countervandalism/.* (2operator), [16:16:54] @trusted [16:20:52] %trusted [16:20:52] I trust: petan (2admin), [16:20:57] lol [16:22:01] petan: do a &whoami [16:22:13] &trusted [16:22:13] I trust: [16:41:43] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [16:41:43] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [16:44:59] &part #wm-bot [18:14:02] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot258 #wikipedia-zh-admin reason: InviteOnly [18:14:03] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot258 #wikipedia-zh-admin reason: InviteOnly [18:14:03] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot258 #wikipedia-zh-admin reason: InviteOnly [18:14:22] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot258 ##TBloemink reason: InviteOnly [18:14:23] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot258 ##TBloemink reason: InviteOnly [18:14:23] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot258 ##TBloemink reason: InviteOnly [18:14:26] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 #wikipedia-pt-otrs reason: InviteOnly [18:14:27] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 #wikipedia-pt-otrs reason: InviteOnly [18:14:28] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 #wikipedia-pt-otrs reason: InviteOnly [18:15:17] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 #achterachterkamertje reason: InviteOnly [18:15:18] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 #achterachterkamertje reason: InviteOnly [18:15:19] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 #achterachterkamertje reason: InviteOnly [18:15:24] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 ##ARURU reason: InviteOnly [18:15:25] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 ##ARURU reason: InviteOnly [18:15:26] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 ##ARURU reason: InviteOnly [18:15:28] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 ##thephantombot reason: InviteOnly [18:15:29] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 ##thephantombot reason: InviteOnly [18:15:29] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 ##thephantombot reason: InviteOnly [18:16:55] @systeminfo [18:16:55] * wm-bot4 is online; channels: 62 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [18:16:55] * wm-bot5 is online; channels: 60 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [18:16:55] * wm-bot322 is online; channels: 62 connected: True working: True queue: 72 [18:16:56] * wm-bot258 is online; channels: 61 connected: True working: True queue: 80 [18:17:18] I can't fix that now. [18:21:08] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 #wikipedia-pt-otrs reason: InviteOnly [18:21:29] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot322 #achterachterkamertje reason: InviteOnly [18:21:35] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot3 ##ARURU reason: InviteOnly [18:21:35] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot3 ##thephantombot reason: InviteOnly [18:22:09] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot2 #wikipedia-zh-admin reason: InviteOnly [18:22:16] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot2 ##TBloemink reason: InviteOnly [18:22:34] @part #wikipedia-zh-admin [18:23:10] Attempting to join #wikipedia-zh-admin using wm-bot2 [18:23:10] @join #wikipedia-zh-admin [18:23:29] There, that should be all better... [18:34:46] This channel is already in db [18:34:46] @add #achterachterkamertje [18:34:50] fy [18:34:53] @part #achterachterkamertje [18:34:56] Attempting to join #achterachterkamertje using wm-bot3 [18:34:56] @add #achterachterkamertje [18:56:55] petan: so apparently the debug channel variable is only where the bot goes. The real debug channel is always #wm-bot (I experimented on sorcnet to learn this). [18:57:21] I'm guessing that is coded in the core some place. [21:51:39] This channel is already in db [21:51:39] @add #wikipedia-en-arbcom-clerks [21:51:55] @part #wikipedia-en-arbcom-clerks [21:51:57] Attempting to join #wikipedia-en-arbcom-clerks using wm-bot3 [21:51:57] @add #wikipedia-en-arbcom-clerks [21:52:20] hmm, it does that a lot with invite-only channels that even have it on invex [21:54:39] 4/14/2015 9:54:39 PM [21:54:39] @rc-ping [22:19:24] L235: [22:20:12] That's because when it gets dumped from IRC for whatever reason it tries to rejoin all channels before identifying. [22:20:46] So the invites don't work for an uncloaked bot. [22:37:50] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [22:37:50] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [23:14:33] I trust: .*@.*[Ww]iki.*\/.* (2operator), .*@freenode/.* (2admin), .*@wikipedia/fsf.member.Lixxx235 (2admin), .*@unaffiliated/-leo-/.* (2null), .*@wikimedia-commons/JurgenNL (2admin), .*@countervandalism/.* (2operator), [23:14:33] @trusted [23:18:14] &add #xTools [23:18:15] Attempting to join #xTools using xTools