[20:54:37] Attempting to join #wp3 using wm-bot2 [20:54:37] @add #wp3 [21:02:38] Changed default instance of #wp3 to wm-bot3 [21:02:38] @instance wm-bot3 #wp3 [21:02:39] Join error: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited channel: wm-bot3 #wp3 reason: InviteOnly [21:03:03] ok, wait a moment [21:03:24] This channel is already in db [21:03:24] @add #wp3 [21:03:37] @part #wp3 [21:03:48] hm, he is not there [21:03:48] Attempting to join #wp3 using wm-bot3 [21:03:48] @add #wp3 [21:03:54] Better? [21:03:55] ah, works now [21:03:57] thanks [21:04:13] Figured you might as well have 3 in e [21:04:18] 3 in 3 [21:04:30] :)