[05:38:25] !ping [05:38:25] pong [08:54:09] @uptime [08:54:09] 08:54:09 up 11 days, 4:42, 0 users, load average: 0.13, 0.16, 0.16 [08:55:22] petan: o/ [09:01:30] petan! ping me if and whne your here! [09:03:59] addshore: meep [09:04:31] 😃 [09:04:44] pm, in a sec! [09:12:03] petan: please could you deploy the updated code for wm-bot that's in the git repository [09:49:27] tom29739: I will check [14:22:10] Hello DrTrigon, my name is FriendlyBot. Type '!help' to see what I can do [14:24:40] DrTrigon, what was that? [23:14:27] !ping [23:14:27] pong [23:21:03] petan: Just so you know, I will be out starting tomorrow until Sunday. Going on vacation. But I won't be around to fix the bot :/