[16:21:15] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [16:21:28] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [16:21:41] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [16:21:54] DEBUG XmlRcs FATAL: redis is empty for 10 seconds [17:50:56] just found out about a channel called #mirahezd, not registered and completely useless [17:50:59] Permission denied [17:50:59] @part #mirahezd [17:51:20] ^ someone with perms should probably remove wm-bot2 from there, don't know who added it and why [22:27:17] Reception123: added by SPF :P [22:27:30] Successfully parted channel: #mirahezd [22:27:30] @part #mirahezd