[04:34:20] Attempting to join #wikia-sims using wm-bot [04:34:20] @add #wikia-sims [06:47:16] Bot hasn't rejoin ##CptViraj yet [20:32:22] Let me try restarting the bot. [20:32:22] @systeminfo [20:32:23] * wm-bot2 is online; channels: 81 connected: True working: True queue: 1 [20:32:23] * wm-bot5 is online; channels: 79 connected: True working: True queue: 1 [20:32:23] * wm-bot3 is online; channels: 81 connected: True working: True queue: 1 [20:32:29] Instance wm-bot4 is still joining channels [20:32:29] @system-rejoin-all wm-bot4 [20:32:41] @systeminfo [20:32:41] * wm-bot3 is online; channels: 81 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [20:32:41] * wm-bot2 is online; channels: 81 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [20:32:42] * wm-bot5 is online; channels: 79 connected: True working: True queue: 0 [20:32:44] * wm-bot4 is online; channels: 82 connected: True working: True queue: 18 [20:32:51] Okay, that should fix it.