[07:00:01] [telegram] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/4b95c9d9/file_4016.jpg [07:00:12] [telegram] Hello I would like to know how to add the donate button, as in the photo [07:00:12] [telegram] on mobile frontend and minerva naked; [07:02:04] [telegram] It is enabled by default, but will only appear if you set something in your MediaWiki:Sitesupport and MediaWiki:Sitesupport-url messages (re @Magva: Hello I would like to know how to add the donate button, as in the photo [07:02:05] [telegram] on mobile frontend and minerva naked;) [07:21:13] [telegram] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/d1e9cb8b/file_4018.jpg [07:21:45] [telegram] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/3b0f43d1/file_4019.jpg [07:21:56] [telegram] Its walking now thank you very much chef +4 [07:22:26] [telegram] your the best 😉✌ [07:22:26] [telegram] no problem, waiter 😉 (re @Magva: Its walking now thank you very much chef +4) [07:23:25] [telegram] not at all his walking perfectly chef 😁✌ [11:58:55] [telegram] Helloall, is here anybody who can gelp me with the extension Accesscontrol?Thanks [17:52:06] [telegram] Hello does it mean anything to you? how to put this logo like on the photo or how have the change; : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/0dd64f40/file_4038.jpg [18:05:13] This is the new logo for MediaWiki [18:06:01] If you change the logo from the wiki you've installed this logo will probably change as well. It might need some configuring [18:36:57] [telegram] ok, thanks is do you know how to add this little text like in the photo where how did it where what extension; : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/b45d1df2/file_4040.jpg [18:49:19] [telegram] Here's a general tip: if you add &uselang=qqx to the URL, you will see the names of the messages that are displayed on the page [18:55:21] [telegram] Hmm, isn't that the description from wikidata? [19:02:46] [telegram] Here's a general tip: if you add ?uselang=qqx to the URL, you will see the names of the messages that are displayed on the page [19:05:10] [telegram] Oh, yes it seems to be. And then my tip is not applicable. And I guess it is quite a bit of work to setup something similar on you own site (re @Alex: Hmm, isn't that the description from wikidata?) [19:11:16] [telegram] Well, the solution would be SHORTDESC [20:16:14] [telegram] [[mw:Extension:ShortDescription]] (re @Magva: )