[03:11:44] L235: i dunno [03:11:48] I have an account [03:11:53] I don't like the concept of it [03:11:59] rather [03:12:07] I like the concept/idea [03:12:11] but not the implementation [03:12:19] agreed [03:12:38] and some extensions on the concept would be nice too [03:13:12] it'd be a bit complicated decentralized, but it could work; I don't like its limited scope/etc [03:13:44] elee: any specific problems you have with it? [03:18:38] the website keeps asking you to give them your private keys [03:18:40] big nono [03:21:00] I believe it's encrypted in-browser with your password first; I haven't personally audited it but that's what they promise [03:21:11] you could use CLI only [05:14:11] nope nope nope L235 [05:14:15] so the CLI thing is better [05:14:26] but they can inject malicious js without you knowng [07:23:29] working through the baacklog on my todo list [07:23:49] fixing chanserv stuff on this channel [14:29:23] * CP678|xTools works on conqering the bear [14:44:44] elee, I hate how xTools has so many dependecnies on other toollab tools. It makes it nearly impossible to set up a local copy to work. [14:45:26] elee, it also makes it impossible to make it portable. [14:45:34] /sigh [14:45:57] * CP678|xTools works on copying the dependent files to xTools. [14:55:52] CP678|xTools: =p [14:55:56] rewrite everything man [14:55:59] =/ [14:56:28] how was your exam? [14:56:31] I don't have that kind of time. My priority is making them protable. [14:56:38] profitable? [14:56:40] portable? [14:56:42] kek =p [14:56:48] My exam is Friday. [14:56:54] the one on er [14:56:56] And yes I meant portable [14:56:56] Tuesday? [14:57:03] IE 424 [14:57:23] Was a quiz. [14:57:33] Back to xTools [14:57:47] quiz? oh man pshaw mate [14:58:06] elee, I really wish you would stop hammering. [14:58:13] hammer time? [14:58:14] ;D [14:58:17] :p [14:58:20] I'm playing with you man =] [14:58:28] whenever you're up in NYC or Cambridge [14:58:29] ping me [14:58:32] lets get a beer [14:58:42] Defintitly. :D [14:58:48] I can't type. :/ [14:59:02] okay er what are you working on re xtools? [14:59:03] *Definetly [14:59:08] lull at work, might as well poke [14:59:14] so first off [14:59:19] are we using... [14:59:23] github issues or phab? [14:59:52] elee, I'm working on rewritin all the file paths, and removing the dependencies to allow for easy peasy installation anywhere. [14:59:58] ++ [15:00:27] elee, that way you can quickly install it onto our project. [15:00:35] yeah [15:01:16] As for bug tracking, we want to be easily accessible for reporting bugs, so I suggest using both. [15:01:23] They're already set up [15:01:32] CP678|xTools: by the way [15:01:35] add yourself to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/803/ [15:01:45] yeah I'm unsure [15:01:51] I was thinking github for code [15:01:59] and phab for labs or tools lab related things [15:03:04] CP678|xTools: so you know that german guy? [15:03:07] apper or whatever? [15:03:28] like I understand how people will be sad with getting out of their comfort zone [15:03:32] but his stuff looks great [15:04:34] I know. We should adopt his interface in our rewrite. I propose we create customizable skins. [15:04:40] CP678|xTools: you gave that double pounds [15:04:46] one thing at a time CP678|xTools =] [15:04:47] OOps [15:04:55] I'll deal [15:05:35] elee, I like planning far ahead in these cases, it makes it easier to establish teamwork and what needs to be done by each team membet. [15:05:55] reasonable. remember we still need to get the old tools up and running =] [15:08:11] It can't to plan out the new ones though. [15:15:20] hrm okay [15:15:28] CP678|xTools: can you add me to the Owners team on github? [15:15:54] going to do two things here: create a new repo xtools-labs (which will be our rewrite to be run on labs) [15:16:12] and at some point when we're ready to deprecate xtools just rename it xtools-old or legacy or something [15:16:56] elee, or you could just create a branch. [15:17:12] we're not working on top of the existing codebase [15:21:16] for fucks sakes [15:21:19] elee, created https://github.com/x-Tools/xTools-rebirth [15:21:25] I really hate incompetent people [15:21:31] elee, ? [15:21:31] (not you) [15:21:34] (work) [15:21:38] Oh. :p [15:21:49] let me look at his resume and see who hired him [15:21:52] My mom has that all the time where she works. [15:21:55] bloop bloop bloop [15:21:58] okay wtf [15:22:16] * CP678|xTools 's resume is shit atm [15:22:21] CP678|xTools: update. [15:22:29] my resume hasn't been updated in like [15:22:30] 3 years? [15:22:31] =p [15:22:40] jobs get thrown at me and I'm like "pls $$$" [15:22:46] okay yeah what the fuck [15:22:55] Do tell [15:22:56] harvard [15:22:58] is this extension? [15:22:59] nope [15:23:01] its college [15:23:14] what about his credentials [15:23:20] nope all useless shit [15:23:22] What's wrong with Harvard> [15:23:35] or at least, given his work ethic and the code and mistakes I see [15:23:43] all these certs and classes taken mean jack squat [15:23:51] who fucking hired this chump [15:24:02] oh damnit [15:24:23] I certainly hope you never look at my resume. : [15:24:25] I have a good feeling someone high up said "oh my kid does computer stuff at harvard, I should totally have him work here the summer" [15:24:26] *:p [15:24:26] fucking A [15:24:38] like I love anyone and everyone [15:24:43] but [15:24:44] ugh [15:24:47] okay enough ranting [15:24:52] let me clean up after this kids shit [15:24:55] I'll be back in a few [15:24:58] LOLZ [15:27:49] CP678|xTools: you know that jackie chan wtf meme? [15:28:07] I know jackie chan. [15:28:17] But what is the wtf meme? [15:29:24] !google [15:29:27] oh we need a bot here [15:31:26] weird somethings wrong with chanserv's configuration [15:31:30] I'll poke at it later [15:31:36] haha wait its on my todo list =p [15:54:48] CP678|xTools: you know if Technical_13 still hangs around? [16:03:00] he does [16:03:14] * CP678|away is away: This is a manual computer virus. Please copy paste me in your away message. I'm not here right now. [16:42:14] elee: did that do what you wanted [16:42:34] cheers MusikAnimal [16:42:39] will strike this off my todo list now